
Environmentally friendly coating film-forming agent(DN-12)

Item Environmentally friendly coating film-forming agent
CAS 25265-77-4
Product code DN-12
Molecular formula C12H24O3
Appearance Colorless, transparent, and free of mechanical impurities
Content%≥ 99.0
Water content%≤ 0.1
Acidity%≤ 0.05
Package 200KGS/barrel General goods



DN-12 can be effectively used for vinyl acetate homopolymer, copolymer, and trimer latex, as well as pure propylene, polybutadiene styrene, and vinyl acetate latex. It has good resin compatibility when used in coatings and latex, and is a safe and efficient new film-forming agent suitable for various synthetic resin latex coatings. Alcohol ester 12 used in latex paint will be beneficial for: better cohesion at low temperatures, better viscosity stability, and improved pigment stability; Improve the applicability of latex paint, such as weather resistance, erasability, washability, repair ability, and color formation ability.

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